Marcin Krzyżanowski

Marcin Krzyżanowski

I'm a software engineer specialized in iOS development and recognized for my contributions to open-source projects, including the creation of CryptoSwift, a Swift library for cryptographic operations, or ObjectivePGP, an iOS/macOS open-source library for secure OpenPGP encryption and digital signature, or Online Swift Playground, and SwiftStudio. Recently, I did a deep dive into TextKit with the STTextView component, which is a reusable and extensible text view built from scratch. Another tool is VMDesktop which is a Linux Virtual Machine launcher for macOS. Notepad.exe is a modern Mac programming companion that I created to help you write better code. It's like having a smart friend who's always ready to help with your coding challenges. My passion for programming and software design drives me to continuously explore new technologies and contribute to the advancement of the software engineering field. My work in the tech community has involved not only developing innovative tools but also sharing knowledge through speaking engagements at technology conferences and active participation in software development forums.

You can find me on X (Twitter), and maybe Instagram or Mastodon. I occasionally blog too. Feel free to email me at You can see my code on GitHub and my résumé if you want 🤓

Public speaking

Podcast appearance